Exclusive Solution repair E71DD (Tintele) Not more imei repair outdated every 3 days Repair%20E71DD

Hello Friends!!

Many times we hear the message without phones invalid. and proceed to repair imei, and more to change the imei, always going back to the hours or maximum within 3 days. We have had several reports of this model and decided to work for a while in the solution for this model

Buy the model (E71DD Tintel) with logo in flash (Q.mobile) which is the prolem. and if more than changing the imei back to original imei damaged.

But here I bring the solution simple and easy. write about magic files and change the imei for more to be restarted not blocked or tell valid SIM

How repair

Update you Firmware with /E71DD repair File.avator !!/ Using Avator Suite 5.6.20

Write New EEprom /Magic File E71DD Tintele.cnv/

Now Write New Firmware /L166_DT01_QQCF_NOR_Y71_V07/ this is optional. we write the need for any configuration



Avator Team